Partner with us in Education
Charity funding under this category is to solely support directly or indirectly matters involving education.
The frequency asked to set is not entirely an accurate depiction of what to expect since its not a strictly bounding factor but helps make an analysis on the expectation and targets for the future and planning of the sector. This money helps close the gap for students who have no direct sponsor to be able accomplish same dream without feeeling left out
The funding also helps to streamline factors that smoothen the delivery process of the educations sector
Donate to education
Want to Build a classroom,
Pay a teacher, or make other contribution in education?
choose amongst donation options below:
You can change so much with your donation. Impact a life today
Education is a right for every child
Lets make that possible by assisting in funding to facilitate

The Support above will go to School building projects to expand the classes to accomodate students who had to study on the corridors for lack of space

These fundings also go to paying our wonderfull teachers and proffessionals whom together complete a team for the kids moral, education and emotional support

Facilitates in the purchase of reading and writing materials, school days feedings among other related operations associated with education